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The Biopsychosocial Approach: Finding Balance Between Tissue Factors, Cognitive Influences and Movement in Chronic Pain

We know that in chronic pain situations, changes occur in the nervous system that render the system more likely to create and send nociceptive signals.

Changes occur in the brain whereby nociceptive signals are given more attention, and pain can even be produced by the brain even in the absence of nociception.

We also know that in many instances, our thoughts play an important role in maintaining pain states. These “yellow flags” will often give us an idea of which patients are more likely to have dysfunctional thoughts around their condition. 

Not every chronic pain patient is the same.

You probably have seen patients with persisting pain who seem to have minimal catastrophising thoughts around their condition. There are also those who seem to be exercising often, sometimes even at an elite level.  In these cases, you will often find that mechanical or tissue factors are playing a larger role than you might have otherwise expected, given the chronic nature of the issue.

The best example I have to demonstrate this scenario is that of my aunt, who is an extremely fit and active lady in her late 50s.

She had a disc bulge in her lumbar spine around 17 years ago, which was very painful and disabling at the time, but healed within the time frame that was expected. 

She returned to her exercise routine within months and regained her fitness. However, she continued to have frequent acute flare ups of back pain in the ensuing years.

These were often catastrophic and disabling, occasionally requiring an ambulance, but never with any nerve root involvement.  They were what we would call mechanical back pain.    

Over the years the acute episodes became more frequent and about a year ago she called me to chat about it, extremely frustrated.  I was initially a bit perplexed as to why this kept happening as her pragmatic, no nonsense approach to life did not put her into a yellow flag category.  I was also aware that she was exercising regularly and at a high intensity in a program that included functional weight-bearing exercises, cardio, swimming and walking.  On further questioning I found out that she was opting out of many of the exercises that were prescribed for the class – anything that involved flexion or core activation.   She also mentioned that she never ever bent (flexed) her back in any activities, always preferring to bend her knees and keep her back straight. 

As it turned out, following her initial injury she had been told never to use lumbar flexion for any movement – that she needed to bend from the knees at all times, use a lumbar roll for the car etc.  She was also taught to brace her abdominal muscles when doing any activities such as rolling over or lifting objects.

The advice to avoid flexion in that acute healing phase was probably helpful, and the bracing or core engagement advice was fast becoming popular for low back pain at the time. 


When it healed, she never went back to the initial therapist and therefore continued to think that flexion was taboo.  She was still even using a long armed brush and shovel when cleaning up so that she didn’t have to bend to the floor! Therefore on examination, 17 years later, her range of motion of lumbar flexion was incredibly restricted and she had some serious over-activation of her abdominal muscles.  It was no wonder she often set off these acute episodes by getting into the car or putting on her socks!

We spent some time on education about the spine and reassuring her that her disc injury had well and truly healed  and that flexion was a normal movement for the spine.  I suggested that she start doing some gentle flexion stretches for the lumbar spine and lower limbs and she was diligent with these, often doing 20 minutes of stretching, five times a week.  I also suggested that she start trying some of the exercises she had been avoiding by starting within a smaller range, beginning with small numbers and working up from there.  We went through this process about a year ago and she hasn’t had an acute episode since.  When we recently chatted about it she said “when you told me it was healed, you gave me permission to do stuff again.  It completely change my thinking about myself and I was suddenly confident about trying things again”.

The patient’s understanding of their condition plays a massive role in the progression of that condition. 

Getting it right from the start is so important,  but it is never too late to dig deeper into their understanding and make some improvements.  Then, you will find things will fall into place much easier.

Upcoming Seminars

Be sure to check out our upcoming events for details on future seminars and workshops that cover how to implement the biopyschosocial approach to understanding and managing pain.

Sometimes a glimmer of hope is all that is needed to gain a new lease on life.

Why is pain education important for your clients?

Sometimes our clients see our value or worth in time spent with “hands on” or doing active rehabilitation – in a dollars per minute sense.

It is easy for us to fall into this trap too – we want to think that we are giving the best value for money to the person in front of us.  However, we know that in the acute situation, helping the client to achieve the best possible understanding of their condition is undoubtedly going to lead to better outcomes and less chance that the condition will progress to a chronic situation.

Achieving this takes time in the form of “bums on seats” – you might firstly be spending a lot of time listening to their story, then be drawing diagrams, writing dot point notes about your diagnosis and management plan and explaining the anticipated prognosis for the condition.  This time is really important as it helps to set up expectations – you need to see it as an investment.

Additionally, research tells us that when clients are interviewed about their experiences with a health practitioner 12 months after the initial event, they are five times more  likely to report that they are satisfied with their treatment when a broader approach (such as those using active modalities and where expectations and goals are set from the start and some element of CBT are involved )  is taken, compared to manual therapy and exercise alone1.

In the chronic situation, taking a wider and multimodal approach is imperative to achieving better outcomes.  Treating a chronic condition using manual therapy alone is very likely to be ineffective.

However, if you plan to include some elements of thought modification, cognitive behavioural therapy or a referral to a psychologist, you need to include  some really solid education about the physiological changes that occur in chronic pain. Studies tell us that this is important in helping people to reconceptualise their problem,  (2)  and from there  the client can have a good understanding of why these elements are important to the whole process and their acceptance and uptake of these modalities is likely to be much higher than it otherwise would be.  It also helps to avoid the client taking away the impression that you think that their pain is not real or is all in their head.  If you can also include some information about how physical rehabilitation can also help to reverse some of the changes that we see in the nervous system in chronic pain, you will also get better levels of commitment to these components of your management plan.

Our value to our clients and the community as a whole is not limited to what we can achieve with our hands or our exercise programs.  Advice, reassurance, education and a good management plan play a massive role in recovery of acute conditions and management of chronic conditions.

  1. Vibe Fersum, K., O’Sullivan, P., Skouen, J., Smith, A., & Kvale, A. (2013). Efficacy of classification-based  cognitive functional therapy in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial.  European Journal of Pain. 17,6, 916-928.
  2. Moseley, L., Nicholas, M., & Hodges, P. (2004). A randomized controlled trial of intensive neurophysiology education in chronic low back pain.  Clinical Journal of Pain, 20 (5), 324-330.

Mindfulness – cheap, easy and effective

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that you can incorporate into your pain education or general discussion  with clients about having an impact on their pain, anxiety and stress levels.  It can take as little as five minutes of your consult time and can be as simple as getting people started with the smiling mind app or website (see below for links).  In my experience if you “prescribe” some mindfulness training, in the same way that you would exercises, stretches or other health advice, the uptake of this advice can be surprisingly successful.

Additionally there was a fantastic documentary on SBS recently called “Don’t worry, Be Happy” by Michael Mosley – the UK doctor who did the excellent 5:2 diet documentaries and others on interval based exercise training.  It is a fantastic evidence based look at how mindfulness training effects the brain and also a practical look at how doing some regular mindfulness training, along with other simple techniques reduced Dr Mosley’s own anxiety levels and gave him a more positive outlook.

(if the link no longer exists, I suggest you google Michael Mosley – don’t worry be happy)

These are simple, cheap and incredible effective techniques that can have a massive impact on your own clients, but potentially also on our greater health care infrastructure by improving outcomes and therefore  reducing costs.  Get on board!

Smiling mind

The app for this program is available free  for iphone and ipad.  Android users might have more luck using the website to access the meditations.


Another fantastic free resource:

Frantic World